Monday, November 10, 2008


Photo by Hilary Burden
So sorry we could not

provide pizzas for everybody

... but we learned the lesson...
We promise to make more pizzas
for the next market
...23 Nov 2008
Photos by Jonathan Kilpatrick

MARKET OPENING DAY Sunday 9 Nov 2008

Photos by Jonathan Kilpatrick

Photos by Hilary Burden

Photos by Peter Grimditch

What an extraordinary day!

The Community's first Village Market was a BUZZ.

It was quite an overwhelming response, with stall holders and of course you the onlookers and buyers turning out to show your support. Wood fired pizzas sold out in the first 1 ½ hours and 90% of stall holders had good sale results. The Honey and Wine stalls both sold out! Fresh produce stalls are on their way; and only time can bring more quantity and quality stallholders. Animal stalls will eventually increase as well. The Alpacas were a treat in themselves at the first market day. The Cambalache Tango Club provided music and atmosphere, the village market is seeking more live music. Is anyone musical out there who would like to perform? Bric-a-brac was in abundance and many treasures were to be found.

Don’t miss this colorful event.
